
NOTE: This online program is for your convenience in travel planning or for use with WiFi laptops, smart phones, etc.

In addition, there WILL be hardcopy (printed) conference programs available upon your arrival.


We wish to express our sincere appreciation to the many sponsors who have helped to make this Congress a success:

ICLS Executive Committee: Richard Trachsler, President; Logan Whalen, Vice-President; Rebecca Dixon, Secretary; Kristin Burr, Treasurer

ICLS-North American Branch (Travel and Emerging Scholar Awards, Opening Reception Champagne, and Housing for Plenaries):

       Leslie Zarker Morgan, President

Bayard Equicriticism Award: Anonymous Donor

Plenary Speakers' Honoraria and Travel: U.K. Office of the Vice President for Research

Concert Sponsors: University of Kentucky

College of Arts and Sciences Enrichment Fund,

Martha L. Peterson, Senior Associate Vice President for Research

Dept. of Hispanic Studies, Yanira Paz, chair

History Dept., Tracy Campbell, interim chair

MCLLC French Working Group, Julie Human, convener

MCLLC Italian Working Group, Ioana Larco, convener

Opening Reception: David Hunter, Cottrill-Rolfes Chair of Catholic Studies

Translations: Aníbal Biglieri, Julie Human, Rupert Pickens, Richard Trachsler, Juan Zarandona

Technical / Graphic Arts Specialists: Jennifer Allen, Nijad K. Zakharia, Amy Brugh

Project Management Office: Krista Greathouse, Events and Initiatives Manager; Travis McKenzie, Director

Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library (LCLI): Daniel Naas, Media Center Manager

Margaret I. King Library, Special Collections Research Center: Jaime Burton, Director of Research Services and Education

. . . and Our Willing Volunteers!


Sunday, 24 July 2016

Opening Champagne Reception    4:30-7:30 p.m.       Commonwealth House


Monday, 25 July 2016

----- 8:30–10:00 a.m. Sessions -----

1. OCCITAN I: New Ideas in Old Clothing               LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Organizer and Presider: Wendy Pfeffer, University of Louisville

Apprivoiser le temps. Écriture et motifs de l'attente

dans les albas occitanes de la fin du XIIe siècle au XIVe siècle

     Guillaume Oriol, Université Bordeaux Montaigne

Occitan Poetry as Royal Pastime in Medieval Catalonia

     Courtney Wells, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Troubadours Pursuing Furs

     Sarah-Grace Heller, The Ohio State University


2. VISUALIZING COURTLINESS: Miniatures, Murals, Artefacts

     Presider: Julia Finch, Morehead State University                  LCLI, Room 301

What Do We Do with the Codex Manesse Frontispieces?

     Lyle Dechant, Yale University

Sî jehent, er lebe noch hiute: Places of Imagination in/and Medieval German Courtly Literature

     Alexandra Sterling-Hellenbrand, Appalachian State University

A Glimpse into the Realm of Lost Tristan Artefacts

     Stephanie Cain Van D'Elden, University of Minnesota


3. MEDIEVAL(IST) PASTIMES                                                                   LCLI, Room 302

     Presider: Carol Jean Chase, Knox College

Medieval and the Medievalist's Past-times or What's a Belle Dame doing at Hatfield House?

     Joan McRae, Middle Tennessee State University

Writing Historical Fiction about the Court of Marie de Champagne

     June McCash, Middle Tennessee State University


Coffee Break  –  10:00–10:30 a.m. – LCLI, Lobby


----- 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. -----

 WELCOME                                                                     Margaret I. King Library, Great Hall

      Lisa Cassis, Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky

      Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby , Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures and Cultures dept. chair, University of Kentucky

      Leslie Zarker Morgan, President, ICLS-North American Branch

     Gloria Allaire, University of Kentucky


Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky

     Introduction: Rupert T. Pickens, University of Kentucky

 Poetic and Amorous Games in Christine de Pizan's Queen's Manuscript

Lori J. Walters, The Harry F. Williams Professor of French,

The Florida State University


Lunch Break  –  12:30–2:00 p.m.  –  Venue of your choice


----- 2:00–3:30 p.m. Sessions -----

 4. OCCITAN II: From the Middle Ages to the Present LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Organizer: Wendy Pfeffer, University of Louisville

     Presider: Mary Franklin-Brown, University of Minnesota


Bertran de Born's Courtly Avian:

"For I take Myself to be a bird in many things"

     Patricia Gillies, University of Essex

"To the Shores of Tripoli": Jaufré Rudel Today

     Roy Rosenstein, The American University of Paris

An Illustration of Illustrations

     Wendy Pfeffer


5. CHIVALRIC LITERATURE IN ITALY                                              LCLI, Room 301

     Organizer and Presider: Gloria Allaire, University of Kentucky


"No greater revenge was ever taken by a knight":

Chivalric Identity and Honor-Violence in the Florentine Tristan Romances

     Peter Sposato, Indiana University-Kokomo

Orlando furioso's Archetypes and the Twisting of Expected Plot Conventions

     Linda McCabe, Independent Scholar


6. COURTLY PASTIMES IN GERMAN LITERATURE                                       LCLI, Room 302

     Presider: Brenna Byrd, University of Kentucky


Courtly Pastimes and Nature in Gottfried's Tristan: "Reading" Ecology and Hybridity

     Christopher Clason, Oakland University

"At Table" in Heinrich von dem Tuerlin's Diu Crone

     Susann Samples, Mount Saint Mary's University


Coffee Break  –  3:30–4:00 p.m.  –  LCLI Lobby


----- 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Sessions -----


7. OCCITAN TENSOS AND DEBATES                                                          LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Organizer: Mary Franklin-Brown, University of Minnesota

     Presider: F.R.P. Akehurst, University of Minnesota


Ludic Logic and Language in the Partimens Gui d'Ussel and Blacatz

     Mary Franklin-Brown

Occitan Lyric Poetry as Defence against the Dark Arts

     Juliet O'Brien, University of British Columbia

Tenso with a Twist

     Laura Zoll, Harvard University


8. MAGIC AND MINSTRELSY AT COURT                                                      LCLI, Room 301

     Presider: Leslie Zarker Morgan, Loyola University Maryland


Savoir ce que jouer veut dire

     Anne Berthelot, University of Connecticut

Bayard and Baiardo: The Magic Horse through the French epic

Tradition and the Italian Chivalric Poems

     Maurizio Mazzoni, University of Pisa

The Court Minstrel as Text in the Saporetto of Simone Prodenzani

     Christopher Nissen, Northern Illinois University


9. "COURT"ING THE CLASSICS                                                                             LCLI, Room 302

     Presider: Valerio Caldesi Valeri, University of Kentucky


Three's Company? The Hunting Scene in Virgil's Aeneid IV and its Courtly Imitators

     Raymond Cormier, Longwood University

 Jason and Hercules in Antwerp

     Albertus Besamusca, Utrecht University


Tuesday, 26 July 2016

 -----8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sessions -----

 10. MARIE DE FRANCE I: LEISURE, LUDICS, AND LIFE-CHANGING LINENS IN THE LAIS                                                     LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Organizer: Tamara Bentley Caudill, Tulane University

     Presider: Rupert T. Pickens, University of Kentucky


The Wounding of the Deer in Marie de France's Guigemar:

A Medieval Veterinarian Perspective

     Carol Dover, Georgetown University

Marie at Play: Equitan as Courtly Diversion or Carnivalesque


     Monica L. Wright, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Liminal Beds and Dangerous Textiles in Marie de France's Lais

     Susan Hopkirk, University of Toronto


11. CROSS-BORDER APPROPRIATIONS: LOVE, VIRTUE, AND THE DIVINE                                         LCLI, Room 301

     Presider: Juan Miguel Zarandona, University of Valladolid


Alfonso X's Adaptation of Provenzal 'amor purus' in his Marian Poetry

     Joseph Snow, Michigan State University

The Intertextual Mora

     Gregory Hutcheson, University of Louisville

Divine Intervention: God's Selective Agency in El Conde Lucanor

     Matthew Paul, University of Louisville


12. LAWS, CUSTOMS, AND COURTS                                                    LCLI, Room 302

     Organizer: Donald Maddox, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

      Presider: Mary Franklin-Brown, University of Minnesota


Law and Love and Loyalty

     F. R. P. Akehurst, University of Minnesota

 Mistress Custom in Courtly Satire: Performing the Anxiety of Norms  in the Later Middle Ages

     Ada Maria Kuskowski, Southern Methodist University

Civil Ceremony and Urban Justice: The Seizaine de mai de Bourges

     Donald Maddox


 Coffee Break  –  10:00–10:30 a.m.  –  LCLI, Lobby


----- 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. -----

 PLENARY ADDRESS II              Margaret I. King Library, Great Hall

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky

     Introduction: Julie Human, University of Kentucky


Blind Man's Buff:

From Children's Games to Pleasure Gardens in late medieval France and England

Kristen Figg, Kent State University


Lunch Break  –  12:00–2:00 p.m.  –  Venue of your choice

Luncheon Meetings of ICLS Branches ("brown bag"): 

     North American Branch                                LCLI, Room 301

     British Branch                                               LCLI, Room 302


----- 2:00–3:30 p.m. Sessions -----


13. MARIE DE FRANCE II: PERFORMANCE AND RECEPTION                                                                                LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Organizer: Tamara Bentley Caudill, Tulane University

     Presider: Julie Human, University of Kentucky


Chaitivel: A Reconstruction of the Performance of a Twelfth-Century Lai

     Ronald Cook, Independent Scholar

 Filling Empty Spaces: On Directing and Performing Chievrefoil by Marie de France

     Simonetta Cochis, Transylvania University

     Chloe Bingham, Independent Scholar

Marie de France Enlightened and Romanticized

     Logan Whalen, University of Oklahoma



Presider: Gregory Hutcheson, University of Louisville


A Newly-Discovered Manuscript Copy of the Portuguese Sentimental Romance Naceo e Amperidónia

     Harvey Sharrer, University of California, Santa Barbara

La sentimentalización de Dante en la poesía cortesana del siglo XV: del marqués de Santillana a Rocaberti

     Pau Cañigueral Batllosera, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst

Álvaro Cunqueiro's Short Story Tristán García or the Legacy of Courtly Literature Tragic Pastimes in Contemporary Galicia

     Juan Miguel Zarandona, University of Valladolid


15. COURTLINESS IN MIDDLE ENGLISH LITERATURE                                                                                  LCLI, Room 302

     Presider: Marion Hollings, Middle Tennessee State University


'And neide and made miche pride': Learning from Horses in Middle English Romances

     Bonnie Millar, University of Nottingham

Somatic Healing in the Middle English Pearl

     Nancy Ciccone, University of Colorado, Denver


Coffee Break  –  3:30–4:00 p.m.  –  Lobby


----- 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Sessions -----


16. PERFORMANCES OF OLD FRENCH NARRATIVE LAIS                                                                                   LCLI, Niles Gallery

      The performers would like to dedicate this session to Glyn S. Burgess.


Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Bus Excursions. No sessions or events.


Thursday, 28 July 2016

 -----8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sessions -----


Marie de France and Anonymous Lays: Approaches to Authorship in a Medieval Anthology                                                  LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Organizer and Presider: Jean Blacker, Kenyon College

      Participants: Matilda Bruckner, Eliza Hoyer-Millar, Rupert T. Pickens, Richard Trachsler, Logan Whalen


18. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS                                                                                                                             LCLI, Room 301

     Presider: Lori J. Walters, The Florida State University


The Rubrics in the Estoire del Saint Graal: A Study of Chantilly, Musée Condé 643

     Carol Jean Chase, Knox College

[The paper by Rebecca Dixon, University of Liverpool, has been withdrawn.]

A Little Knight Music: Jousting with Songs in Bodleian Library, MS Douce 308

     Elizabeth Eva Leach, University of Oxford


19. COURTLINESS ON THE BORDERS: JAPAN, THE CAUCASUS, NORWAY                                                                     LCLI, Room 302

     Presider: Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby, University of Kentucky

A Courtly Pastime of the Nobility in Japan:  The Fascinating Elaborate Techniques of Waka Poems

     Yuko Tagaya, School of Humanities, Kanto Gakuin University

Learning Courtliness in Thirteenth-Century Norway

     Molly Jacobs, University of California, Berkeley

Good and Evil in Shota Rustaveli's The Man in the Panther Skin

     Bert Beynen, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Temple University


Coffee Break  –  10:00–10:30 a.m.  –  Lobby


----- 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. -----

 PLENARY ADDRESS  III                                                            Margaret I. King Library, Great Hall

Sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky

      Introduction: Gloria Allaire, University of Kentucky


Ritterspiele: The Tournament as a Knightly Game in late medieval Germany

Natalie Anderson, University of Leeds


Lunch Break  –  12:00–2:00 p.m.  –  Venue of your choice

Luncheon Meeting: Encomia Bibliographers               LCLI Room 301


---- 2:00–3:30 p.m. Sessions -----


20. TEXT, MUSIC, AND PERFORMANCE IN THE MIDDLE AGES                                                                                            LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Presider: Gloria Allaire, University of Kentucky

Debate Poetry as Courtly Entertainment

     Christopher Callahan, Illinois Wesleyan University

     Performers: Members of Liber Ensemble

Playing with Music and Memory at Court

     Daniel O'Sullivan, University of Mississippi


21. COURTLINESS IN CHRONICLES                                                                      LCLI, Room 301

     Presider: Jean Blacker, Kenyon College

Are Medieval Histories and Chronicles Courtly Genres?

     Cristian Bratu, Baylor University

Amorces courtoises dans le Roman de Brut et le Roman de Rou de Wace:

les passe-temps des rois de Bretagne et des ducs de Normandie

     Laurence Mathey-Maille, Université du Havre


Coffee Break  –  3:30–4:00 p.m.  –  LCLI, Lobby


 ----- 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Sessions -----



Translation of Medieval Texts: Approaches, Problems, Strategies                                                             LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Organizer and Presider: Jane H.M. Taylor, Durham University

     Participants: Carol Chase, Joan Tasker Grimbert, Douglas Kelly, Roberta L. Krueger, Karen Pratt



     Presider: Leslie Malland, University of Kentucky LCLI, Room 301

 Chaucer's Pastime at Court: His Recognition of a Courtly Audience

     Kaoru Noji, Kanto Gakuin University

Hospitality and Intimidation: Food, Drink, and Conflict in the Alliterative Morte Arthure

     Patricia Price, California State University-San Marcos

Malory's Morte Darthur: A Critique of Courtly Chivalry

     Shawn Cooper, Wayne State University


Free Early Music Concert  –  6:00–7:15 p.m.  –  Memorial Hall Auditorium



"Virtue and the Viper: Music of the Visconti Court"


Made possible by the generous sponsorship of the College of Arts & Sciences, and the Departments of Hispanic Studies, History, and Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Kentucky


Friday, 29 July 2016


----- 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. -----


24. THE GAME OF LOVE IN FRENCH ROMANCES                                    LCLI, Niles Gallery

     Presider: Logan Whalen, University of Oklahoma


Love's Labour's Lost: The Rhetoric of Rejection in the Prose Lancelot

     Stacey Hahn, Oakland University

Staring and Bearing Arms: Looking at Play in Chrétien de Troyes's Chevalier de la Charrette

     Julie Human, University of Kentucky

Amorous Pastimes: Love at Court in Le Chevalier aux deux épées

     Kristin Burr, Saint Joseph's University

Tower, Bower, Garden, and Forest: Hiding Love in Plain Sight

     Janina Traxler, Manchester University


25. COURT ENTERTAINMENTS IN ENGLAND                                           LCLI, Room 301

     Presider: Jane H.M. Taylor, Durham University


"In her thou maist them all assembled see": Alice, Countess of Derby, and the Early Modern Poetic Community

      Marion Hollings, Middle Tennessee State University

"Much like his Father, but his Mother more": Comus and the Circean Revels of the English Court, 1614–1634

     Abigail Richards, Durham University


26. COURTLY ELEMENTS IN EPIC                                                                        LCLI, Room 302

     Presider: Leslie Zarker Morgan, Loyola University Maryland


Courtly Elements in Epic: The Love Chess Motif and Huon de Bordeaux

     Kristin Juel, St. Michael's College

Courtly Pastimes in the Epic Romances of Andrea da Barberino

     Gloria Allaire, University of Kentucky


Coffee Break  –  10:00–10:30 a.m.  –  LCLI, Lobby


----- 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. -----


PLENARY ADDRESS IV           Margaret I. King Library, Great Hall

Sponsored by Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky

     Introduction: Joseph R. Jones, University of Kentucky


The Sport of Dukes:

Palios, Stallions and Racing Stables in Renaissance Italy

Elizabeth Tobey, LAC Group at Library of Congress


Lunch Break  –  12:00–2:00 p.m.  –  Venue of your choice


----- 2:00–3:30 p.m. Sessions -----



     Organizer: Deborah Nelson-Campbell, Rice University

     Presider: Raymond Cormier, Longwood University


Participatory Culture Before and After the Age of Print: Medieval Romance and Modern Fan Fiction

     F. Regina Psaki, University of Oregon

Fate and the Plight of the Unloved in Kneehigh Theatre's Tristan and Yseult

      Joan Tasker Grimbert, Catholic University of America

Does Courtly Literature have a Legacy?

     Deborah Nelson-Campbell


28. THEORIZING COURTLINESS                                                                            LCLI, Room 301

     Presider: Stacey Hahn, Oakland University


Fictions in Play: Readings that Change the Game and Reprogram the Plot

     Jeanne Nightingale, Miami University of Ohio

The Courtier in the Dits of Guillaume de Machaut

     Sara Sturm-Maddox, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Un pas de trop at the Court of Burgundy? Defining the Pas d'armes

     Catherine Blunk, Drury University


----- 4:30–6:00 p.m. -----


GENERAL ASSEMBLY                                Whitehall Classroom Bldg. 106


CLOSING BANQUET                                   The Club at Spindletop Hall

     7:00 p.m. Buses depart dorm for Spindletop Hall

          Cocktail hour followed by Banquet

     10:30 p.m. Return to dorm by bus